SPARC Solutions

Web Design

What I did

  • Gather requirements
  • Research options and competition
  • Low-res wireframe
  • Hi-res design
  • Build mobile-ready/responsive WordPress theme


What They Said

We created a new website only two years ago, but our marketing agency told us that up to one-third of our website traffic was using mobile devices that could not see everything on the site. They helped us find Mike Truese to fix the issue and freshen our design.

Mike moved important information about our facilities to the menu, while subtly redesigning the site to make it look even more modern. Our donation and volunteer links, the most important links for any non-profit website, were organized and displayed more prominently so that people looking to support us could easily find a way to do so. Even our social media links are now prominently and tastefully displayed on each page.

NOTE: This design is about 5-10 years old. Like fashion, tastes change over time.