Homestead Funds


What I did

As both project manager and lead UI/UX designer:

  • Used Agile project methodologies, including two-week sprints and product demos every step of the way
  • Defined primary CTA/reason for website with HSF team - Open an Account! Everything else on site served that purpose.
  • Mapped information architecture and content profile of entire then-current site.
  • Reviewed content map with stakeholders and prioritized what stays, what goes, what's new?
  • Created 3 user personas, to represent the three identified visitor types.
  • Created several user flow maps, based on personas, to verify ease of getting users to primary CTA.
  • Designed low-res wire-frames for various landing pages and detail pages, to confirm everything coming forward had a place and layout.
  • Reviewed wireframes with stakeholders and other interested parties, who also completed preliminary task flow objectives.
  • Designed hi-res layouts for all page templates based on wire-frames.
  • Worked with developers as they coded layouts into templates.
  • Removed old content, ported existing content, imported new content.
  • Set up test environment so stakeholders and review team could perform final goal-oriented task flow challenges.
  • With final approvals, launched site into NRECA production.
  • Project was delivered on time and on budget.

Note: 1 year after launch, organic and search traffic up 56%, account opens up 30%.