BetterLife Module


Project Scope

Design an easy-to-use expansion of the BetterLife wellness program for coops that want to participate.

In prior year, there was one option: Yes/No - Does your coop want to participate in the BatterLife Wellness Program?

Now, there was going to be a very granular level of participation, which each coop could customize to their needs, including different employee groups, levels of participation and incentive awards.

Project was defined by the Coop Benefits team, and user research was conducted by an outside consulting firm.


To take this large matrix of possible choices (employee groups, levels and incentives), and create a progressively-revealed interface that did not overwhelm the user with a wall of options on page load.

What I did

As lead UI/UX designer:

  • Used Agile project methodologies, including two-week sprints and product demos at the end of every sprint.
  • Created several paper-and-pencil sketches to explore interface ideas and possibilities, based on project brief from consultants.
  • Designed low-res wireframe using Figma  to show fully expanded data entry fields, and overall layout.
  • Reviewed wireframe with stakeholders and other interested parties for approvals.
  • Designed interactive prototype using Axure for stakeholders and dev-team review, revealing a progressive display of detailed options as choices are made by the user.
  • Worked with developers as they turned the interactive prototype into functional code.
  • Project was delivered on time and on budget.